Happy Birthday, Lucy!
Mom pulled me in the wagon to meet my baby friends at the park to take birthday photos for Lucy. I got to eat some grass while I was there and show off in front of the camera a bit.
From the left, that's Duncan and his mom, Zoie, Noah and his mom, Kim, Lucy, the birthday girl and her mom, Danaly, Jana and her mom, Jenny, and of course mom and me.

I'm Going to be a Big Brother!
Mom was watching a movie and found herself crying almost all the way through it then stopped and said, "It's a sad movie, but it's not that sad!" So she went in the bathroom and peed on a stick and came out to tell me I'm gonna be a big brother. I dont know what that means, but I'm not sure that I like it! She says I will later though.

Off to Visit the Grandparents
Mom, Dad & I drove down to visit Grandpa Ray, Grandma Yolie, & Great-Grandpa & Grandma Mac. They are my mom's dad, step-mom and mom's dad's mom & dad. =) We hung out at Grandpa Ray's and then we went out for strombolie!
Here I am with Great-Grandpa Mac...

And here I am on the right with Grandpa Ray...

And here I am with Grandma Yolie...

Watch Out!!! Here I Come!!!
Finally, I'm mobile! Slowly, but surely, I'm army-crawling my way around.
I Signed My First Baby Sign!
Of course it was the "hungry" sign! Mom was very proud.
Swim Time
Noah and I had another swim lesson today. I can dunk under water for 4 seconds now!

Park Day
Noah came over today and Mom took us to the park. While we were there, we swang on the swings, crawled on the grass and ate some of it too. The we went home and Lucy joined us for a bit.