Monday, 13 August 2007
Baby Brother or Sister?
Dad said that last night, after Mom ate some ice-cream and lied down, that he saw and felt my baby brother or sister move in Mom's belly! He was really excited. I guess there really is a baby in there! They said that they're going to an ultrasound appointment tomorrow, where they'll get to see the baby. Since I crossed my legs during my ultrsound and wouldn't let them know that I was a boy, they were forced to keep it a surprise, but loved that so much that they want to keep this one a surprise too! Sorry Grandmas!!
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Taco Night at Grandma & Grandpa's!
Grandma invited us over for taco's. They were yummy! We had lots of fun playing after dinner. Here I am wih Grandma and Grandpa, Auntie Audrey and Ginger. I dont know why, but everybody freaked out when I took Ginger's pacifier from her and stuck it in my own mouth! 


Monday, 6 August 2007
Today I stood for 16 whole seconds ALL BY MYSELF!
I don't like the way grass feels when I'm wearing shorts, so when Grandma Debbie put me on the grass, I just stood there by myself while she and Dad counted to 16!
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Super Franks
Mom & Grammy Kelly took me to Super Franks today! I got to crawl around the blacklight toom while they played some put-put. I also got to play some arcade games and go on some rides! I had so much fun that I skipped my nap! I loved the carousel so much! I couldn't get enough of it, so I kelp signing to Grammy, "More, more!"  

Sunday, 29 July 2007
We Spent Today at the Monterey Bay Aquarium...
First we visited the tide pool...  
And then the jelly fish...  
Here are Mom & Dad in the jelly fish room...  
Here I am in the jelly fish room and Mom with the crazy-giant fish...  
Here's the giant octopus and the beaver statue that I visited in the Wild Life Room.  
Saturday, 28 July 2007
Under the Warm California Sun
We are spending this weekend in Santa Cruz with Grammy, Papa Rudy, Great-Auntie Kim, Great-Uncle Jerry, and my 1st cousins, Desiree and Christopher. We spent most of today at the boardwalk. Here are Desiree and Dad on a scary ride that went really high and dropped a bunch of times!  
Here I am on the carousel. I wasn't too sure whether I liked it or not.  
Here are Dad, Desiree, Uncle Jerry, Auntie Kim, Christoper, Grammy and Papa Rudy on the Big Dipper. Mom was a little bummed that she couldn't go on the fun rides because of the beby in her belly, but we kept each other company. We even indulged in some funnel cake, which she said she would never feed me again after my sugar rush in the hotel room.   
Here are Christopher and Super Dad!  
Friday, 27 July 2007
Here I am with my nah-nah, or as Mom and Dad call it, my "toothbrush." I love this part of the day!   
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Thanks for visiting today, Grandpa Ray & Uncle Andrew!
Here are some pictures of Grandpa Ray and me playing under the light. Grandpa Ray is my mom's dad.    
Monday, 23 July 2007
Dad and I hung out this evening while Mom was at her drum lesson. For some reason, Dad kept calling me a "crab."

It's Alive!
Mom got to hear my little sister/brother's heart beat at the doctor's office today. The doc said that everything looks (and sounds) great! 
Sunday, 22 July 2007
Well, Mom & Dad are pretty much convinced that my top-front tooth is chipped, and possibly the one next to it as well. They believe that it happened a few months ago, when I tipped over my bath tub while playing in it on the bathroom floor. You can also see my eighth tooth on the bottom-right in this picture. I'm still working on that one. 
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Thursday, 12 July 2007
Play Date with Lucy...
Lucy didn't seem very flattered when I tried to tell her that I liked her by pulling on her curly hair. In fact, she seemed kind of upset about it! ...Women.  
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
More Please!
Today I started doing the "more" sign instead of what Mom calls my "horribe screach" when my lunch was all gone.  Now I can do the baby signs for "buh-bye," "hungry," "all done/gone," and "more." Mom says she wants me to learn the sign for "hold on," but I think that the horrible screach is effective enough.
Thursday, 5 July 2007
Kiddie Pools Rule!
Mom & Dad took a 4-day trip down the coast to Monterey & Solvang, while I am staying with the grand-mas & -pas. I hope they're having a good time because I know I am! Here I am with Auntie Audrey, cooling off in the kiddie pool! Check out my abs!  
Monday, 2 July 2007
More Pearly Whites
My 8th tooth is beginning to peek through!
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Happy Birthday, Grandpa Gary!!!
We went to The Cheesecake Factory to celebrate. 
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Happy Father's Day!
To celebrate Father's Day, we went to Grammy's house and BBQ'd and swam. Dad really liked the Beastie Boys shirt and video game I gave him and Grandpa Gary liked the framed picture I gave him for his office and Papa Rudy liked the golfing game I got him. Here I am playing with Papa Rudy on the left and that's Grandpa Gary on the right...  
There's Daddy and Uncle Mikey and me...  
Here's Great-Grandma Judy, Daddy, Great-Uncle Jerry, Great-Auntie Kim and Great-Great Granny and me!  
This is Auntie Audrey, Dad and me...  
And here I am swimming with Papa Rudy and Auntie Audrey...  
And Auntie Quincey and of course Mommy! 
Monday, 11 June 2007
Mom keeps telling me that there's a baby in her belly...
Sounds like a bunch of crazy talk to me. She even tried to convince me by showing me a picture. The doc guessed that the baby is ten weeks and one day old. Mom and Dad say that they want to wait until the baby comes in January to find out if it's a boy or girl like they did with me. 
Sunday, 3 June 2007
Happy Birthday, Lucy!
Mom pulled me in the wagon to meet my baby friends at the park to take birthday photos for Lucy. I got to eat some grass while I was there and show off in front of the camera a bit. From the left, that's Duncan and his mom, Zoie, Noah and his mom, Kim, Lucy, the birthday girl and her mom, Danaly, Jana and her mom, Jenny, and of course mom and me.  
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